Callsign: Rainmaker


B.Tech Geography

M.Sc. Geography

Advanced Certificate in GIS

GIS Certified Professional (GISP)

Over 12 years of experience in deploying Geospatial Solutions. Started out as an Instructor at the University teaching ​Postgraduate GIS, then progressed to Geospatial Consultancy deploying over 100 GIS projects and Products across ​Engineering, urban Planning, Agric and Environments

Hydrologic Modelling - Several

Watershed Modelling & Management | Sediment Transport | ​Water Quality Assessment | River Basin Hydrology | Environmental ​Toxicology | Dam Assessments

Ge​ostatistical Analysis + Modelling

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a detective on a race against time to solve a series of cryptic and interconnected mysteries.

Spatial Decision Support System - MCA| AHP

Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetric Survey towards ​urban Planning and Flood Risk Assessment of ​Iperu-Remo

Ur​ban Planning

City Planning | Urban Data Analytics | Masterplan Development | ​Transport Impact Assessments | ESIA | Consultancy

La​nd Use Modelling

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a detective on a ​race against time to solve a series of cryptic and interconnected ​mysteries.


Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetric Survey towards urban Planning ​and Flood Risk Assessment of Iperu-Remo

Gr​oundwater Quality Assessment

A gripping coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene charm of a coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.

Transport Modelling - Network Analysis

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a detective on a race against time to solve a series of cryptic and interconnected mysteries.

Ge​ologic Assessment

Lineaments | Shear | Aeromagnetic ... |

Fl​ood Assessment

A gripping coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene ​charm of a coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.

Di​saster & Risk Management

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a detective on a ​race against time to solve a series of cryptic and interconnected ​mysteries.


Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetric Survey towards urban Planning ​and Flood Risk Assessment of Iperu-Remo

Fl​ood Assessment

A gripping coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene ​charm of a coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.

Di​saster & Risk Management

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a detective on a ​race against time to solve a series of cryptic and interconnected ​mysteries.


Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetric Survey towards urban Planning ​and Flood Risk Assessment of Iperu-Remo

Unmanned ​Systems

Remote Pilot License (SACAA)

Advanced Pilot License (Transport Canada)

ROV Pilot - Underwater Systems

LiDAR Expert

With over 600 hours of remote flight operations across 3 continents, and, over 200k ​hectares mapped in the last 3 years spanning ROW assessments, Mining Operations, AEC ​projects, Urban Planning, Telecoms assets & utility mapping, Deep Sea Port Modelling ​among many others.


LiDAR Mapping - 10k Ha


ROV Training

Deploying UAVs and ROVs towards Search and ​Rescue Operations on the Lagos Waterways

Deploying UAVs and ROVs towards Search and ​Rescue Operations on the Lagos Waterways


Security Mapping - 4k Ha

Aerial Surveillance and Risk Assessment of


LSecurity Mapping - 10k Ha

Deploying UAVs and ROVs towards Search and ​Rescue Operations on the Lagos Waterways


UAV Training

UAV training for the Lagos Waterways Authority


UAV Training

Deploying UAVs and ROVs towards Search and ​Rescue Operations on the Lagos Waterways


Climate Change Impact & Adaptation

Hydrology and Hydrodynamics

Urban Planning & Development

Smart Cities & Data Driven Cities

GIS Business Process Development

Needs Assessments and Conceptual Studies

Help Businesses Succeed by Providing them With Innovative and Effective ​Solutions.


Data Consultant

ENGULF; University of Italy


Hydrographic Consultant

AFD; Adam Smith International; Infrastructure Delivery International.


Technical Lead, Remapping Land Tenure Security II

Global Land Alliance (GLA); PRINDEX


Needs Assessment of Low-Cost ​Housing

ENGULF; University of Italy


Needs Assessment of Low-Cost ​Housing

ENGULF; University of Italy


Technical Lead, Remapping Land Tenure ​Security I

AFD; Adam Smith International; Infrastructure Delivery International.


Technical Lead, Remapping Land Tenure ​Security I

AFD; Adam Smith International; Infrastructure Delivery International.


Technical Lead, Remapping Land Tenure Security II

Global Land Alliance (GLA); PRINDEX


Technical Lead, Remapping Land Tenure Security II

Global Land Alliance (GLA); PRINDEX


Over 12 years of experience in deploying Geospatial Solutions. Started out as ​an Instructor at the University teaching Postgraduate GIS, then progressed to ​Geospatial Consultancy deploying over 100 GIS projects and Products across ​Engineering, urban Planning, Agric and Environments


Abyss of Deceptions

A gripping coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene charm of a coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.


The Midnight Enigma

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a ​detective on a race against time to solve a series ​of cryptic and interconnected mysteries.

2021 - Project Manager

10,000 Ha Aerial Mapping - IPERU

Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetric Survey towards ​urban Planning and Flood Risk Assessment of ​Iperu-Remo


Abyss of Deceptions


The Midnight Enigma

2021 - Project Manager

10,000 Ha Aerial Mapping - IPERU

A gripping coastal thriller that masterfully combines the serene charm of a coastal setting with an enthralling mystery.

A mind-bending psychological thriller that follows a ​detective on a race against time to solve a series ​of cryptic and interconnected mysteries.

Aerial LiDAR & Photogrammetric Survey towards ​urban Planning and Flood Risk Assessment of ​Iperu-Remo


Cryptic Descent


The Vanishing Act


Reflections of Fear